Plan Progress
One of my favourite quotes is: Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
A few years ago a very wise friend gave me some sound advice: Always have a Plan B. This advice came just as we bought our Notary business and the economic crash came. It was a shock to buy a thriving business that relied on real estate sales when the bottom suddenly drops out of the real estate market. Sam did all of the front end and client work at the businesses and I managed most of the financial aspects. All of a sudden, I was worried. I spent time seeking advice from trusted people I knew who would point me in the right direction. Plan A was to buy the business and coast into the future, but when the economic crash came, I immediately knew I needed to formulate and implement a Plan B: get a firm hand on what was happening and stop the bleeding...control the cash flow, and once Plan B fell into place, we were able to survive and even thrive and grow our businesses to a level whereby we were able to use it to serve and to bless others.
The lessons I learned through business have helped me in this cancer journey. With a serious illness, just as in business, there is always need to evaluate what is working and what is not and to make course corrections. Just when you think you can't go wake up and you do go on. The courage and strength Sam shows each day gives me courage and strength. The love and time we have invested into our marriage for the past 31 years has been a perfect Plan B to fall back on when a crisis hits. Living by Biblical principles of managing our money allowed me to have security to take care of us as our income declined. The Plan B strategy became a lifeline during a time of worry about how we could move forward.
Through the years Sam and I have relied on God's guidance for our family. He is a man of quiet faith, and we both express ourselves individually, but the depth of our love and reliance on God's plan for our family is unified within our home. We are trusting God that He is controlling our days and we live today because of God's grace to us.
I am so very thankful to have the heart of a man who loves me and that even on difficult days we can remember God's faithfulness as we look back in time.
Tonight I pray for peace and comfort as our Plan B continues to work itself out...may God grant us His comfort and wisdom in the days ahead. ❤️❤️
A few years ago a very wise friend gave me some sound advice: Always have a Plan B. This advice came just as we bought our Notary business and the economic crash came. It was a shock to buy a thriving business that relied on real estate sales when the bottom suddenly drops out of the real estate market. Sam did all of the front end and client work at the businesses and I managed most of the financial aspects. All of a sudden, I was worried. I spent time seeking advice from trusted people I knew who would point me in the right direction. Plan A was to buy the business and coast into the future, but when the economic crash came, I immediately knew I needed to formulate and implement a Plan B: get a firm hand on what was happening and stop the bleeding...control the cash flow, and once Plan B fell into place, we were able to survive and even thrive and grow our businesses to a level whereby we were able to use it to serve and to bless others.
The lessons I learned through business have helped me in this cancer journey. With a serious illness, just as in business, there is always need to evaluate what is working and what is not and to make course corrections. Just when you think you can't go wake up and you do go on. The courage and strength Sam shows each day gives me courage and strength. The love and time we have invested into our marriage for the past 31 years has been a perfect Plan B to fall back on when a crisis hits. Living by Biblical principles of managing our money allowed me to have security to take care of us as our income declined. The Plan B strategy became a lifeline during a time of worry about how we could move forward.
Through the years Sam and I have relied on God's guidance for our family. He is a man of quiet faith, and we both express ourselves individually, but the depth of our love and reliance on God's plan for our family is unified within our home. We are trusting God that He is controlling our days and we live today because of God's grace to us.
I am so very thankful to have the heart of a man who loves me and that even on difficult days we can remember God's faithfulness as we look back in time.
Tonight I pray for peace and comfort as our Plan B continues to work itself out...may God grant us His comfort and wisdom in the days ahead. ❤️❤️
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