A Battle of the Heart

In life, even the best-laid plans collapse. Tomorrow isn't a certainty that we will wake up and live another day. Some say it is luck or destiny when our lives take crazy turns, but I prefer to believe God is seeing a picture much larger than we are capable of and He is protecting us from what may lie ahead that could harm us.

I call a Cancer diagnosis a Battle of the Heart. It affects the body, yes, but it deeply touches the heart and forces you to face shortcomings in your own personality that you wouldn't have faced without the Cancer crisis.  Our strengths are also our weaknesses. Sam's usual quiet stoic personality was one of the traits that attracted me to him.  I talked and he listened.  ðŸ˜‰ That worked well for 30 years until he got sick and I NEEDED him to talk and he wouldn't. He copes by internalizing and that once loved trait now frustrates me. I love order and routine. This Cancer destroyed that and I have been left to cope with pulling together details of our lives that have been shattered. Some days are terribly overwhelming and I feel alone.  Each day I have to remind myself that our different coping strategies are what have made us a good team through the years, and through this diagnosis I have learned to adjust course and to let go of perfectionism. Now, I need to draw on my resolve and courage to help our family get through this difficult time. The best part is I'm not alone.  I am trusting God to go before me to prepare the way, and my family and friends have supported us and provided so much encouragement.

Today didn't play out the way I expected but we are called to be flexible and resilient. Our story is still being written. We are called to live it with love and courage.  I am thankful that each new day is a new opportunity to be brave and to fight this battle with our whole hearts.

️Praying for continued healing tonight as we have a week off from chemo treatments. May this be a restful week.

Dear Lord, help us live out our life story with love  and courage.

We were made to be courageous
And we're taking back the fight
We were made to be courageous
And it starts with us tonight
The only way we'll ever stand
Is on our knees with lifted hands
Make us courageous
Lord, make us courageous


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