Second Glances

Coming up on the one-year anniversary of Sam's death on September 13, I began re-reading my blog to somehow grasp this monumental event that changed everything in my life and to glance back and try to see how far I've come. Just about a year ago, we discontinued treatment with no idea of what was to come. Sam and I talked the day treatment was halted and I asked him how he felt about stopping chemo. He said he wasn't surprised, that he knew the chemo hadn't worked. That was all we said about it. It was this elephant in the room constantly.....too emotional and delicate to talk about...but always between us. to take the past year and put words to paper on how I feel and what I've learned....precisely the purpose of this post. With my house sold and my work resignation in, I've heard recently: Bless you as you move forward in this new season of life or Good luck as you move away and go forward . The word "forw...