Grief is Weighty

This has been a rough week. No sugar coating, no pretending. This cancer journey is an overwhelming experience. As the months have gone by, dealing with the increasing physical needs of our life is challenging. Home and garden maintenance has been managed by our son who takes on so much to help but it's time I learn what needs to be done and to make a plan to take over. Our master bath has been gutted and remodelled this week and as with any reno, it causes angst and upset. Lots of dust, extra people in your bedroom, crap everywhere and the crap you actually need is under other crap and inaccessible. Power tools are going strong and every noise seems magnified. I've been taught well by my boss at work to have a spreadsheet for each task in life and being organized helps me manage what needs to be done. Now if I could muster up the energy to create a spreadsheet. 😉 I know as the home repair and garden maintenance needs arise, I'll meet them and do my best. ...